Best food for Premature ejaculation

Best food for Premature ejaculation

How to treat premature ejaculation?

The main methods of treatment are psychotherapy, behavioral therapy and drug therapy. You can consult with your doctor to choose the best strategy for you. You can also use multiple procedures at the same time.

Anesthetic lotions and sprays such as benzocaine and lidocaine are used to treat premature ejaculation. Apply this cream to your penis 15-30 minutes before mating to reduce sensitivity and prolong ejaculation. Pharmacies sell lidocaine spray for sexual dysfunction. Sexual pleasure and sensitivity are one of the side effects.

Premature ejaculation can reduce sexual satisfaction in experienced partners and partners. Certain medications or home exercises can slow down ejaculation or help a person better understand and control their emotions.

Best food for Premature ejaculation

The man has not yet spoken publicly about his health. Is it because of social pressure or shame? Premature ejaculation (PE) is such a problem.

According to public opinion polls, about 39% of men go in for physical education at least once in their lives.

In most cases, PE can be resolved by eating a few nutritious meals. There are several foods that you eat regularly to help with premature ejaculation.

Your food can be a valuable aid in the fight against physical premature ejaculation. What you eat can change how the muscles in the penis work in the chamber. Here are the top 10 products for treating premature ejaculation. This dish should be served as part of a meal.

Avocado: Rich in B vitamins, vitamin C and vitamin K, avocado increases blood flow to the muscles of the penis. Okay? As you know, zinc in it is enough to treat premature ejaculation. You can add a few slices to your toast or make a quick salad!

Avocado as a remedy for premature ejaculation

How can avocado help treat premature ejaculation?
Avocados are next on the list of foods that prevent premature weight loss. Rich in calcium and vitamins, K is a vitamin that regulates blood flow to various organs.

Avocados are rich in protein and fiber, which are natural stimulants and help with metabolic processes. Apart from PE, avocado can also help with problems with retrograde, delayed, and painful ejaculation.

When and how to eat
You can have an avocado for breakfast or use a fruit juice mix and drink it daily. Salads and smoothies can also contain nutrients that can cause premature ejaculation.

Nuts: Antioxidant, omega-3 fatty acids, anti-inflammatory properties help relieve erectile dysfunction, erectile dysfunction, impotence. It can be added to salads or eaten on its own.

Spinach: It has been scientifically proven that men who ejaculate quickly have less magnesium than men who do not ejaculate. Spinach is rich in magnesium. Adding it to your diet will help promote sexual health as well as support physical health.

Oatmeal: Stress and anxiety can affect PE, and psychological stress can lead to PE. Oatmeal is a great serotonin stimulant, helps relieve stress and tension, and is a sweet addition to a meal.

Watermelon: Easily consumed and contains lycopene and beta-carotene, which are great ingredients to work effectively. Watermelon also contains citrulline. Watermelon contains amino acids that act as vasodilators and help maintain better erections for a long time. It is clear that you have the strength to stay in the bedroom for a long time and avoid premature ejaculation. The benefits of this fruit go beyond what we are talking about, as free radicals in our body can be neutralized by simply eating watermelon. However, if you start adding this fruit to your diet, your PE will definitely decrease.

Watermelon is an effective natural remedy for premature ejaculation.
How does watermelon help prevent premature ejaculation?
This delicious fruit is a great source of hydration. According to WebMD, watermelon can also be used as an alternative to natural Viagra.

Watermelon contains citrulline, a libido-boosting phytonutrient that converts to the essential amino acid arginine. It can lengthen and widen the veins of the penis and improve blood flow to the genitals, making erections more effective.

How to take?
This dish for premature ejaculation can be consumed as part of a fruit salad. You can also prepare a glass of watermelon juice and add it to your regular meal.

Kiwifruit: Kiwifruit is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, has a great effect on premature ejaculation and helps fight free radicals. As a result, it is one of the most powerful fruits for treating PE.

Guava: Another great fruit for increasing squat time. This is due to the presence of vitamins C and A, which are necessary for the normal functioning of our body, especially the mechanisms involved in ejaculation. Guava is a strong enemy of premature ejaculation, so it should be part of your daily meal.

Foods that cause premature ejaculation
Many meals can help reduce premature ejaculation, but have you ever wondered what foods cause it? This food causes “fog in the head.” May be cloudy or not working properly. These foods can cause problems with ejaculation, so watch your diet in order to normalize orgasms.

Sugar. Of course, sugar can immediately give you energy. But it doesn’t last long. In most cases, sexual activity is abnormal.

pharmaceutical preservatives. The system has not yet developed resistance to chemical preservatives. Some chemicals have been linked to various types of cancer and other unwanted side effects.

Additives directly affect bedding characteristics and are included in almost all commercially available finished products.

Wheat or cereals. Eating wheat, corn, or other grains is similar to eating sugar. The level of insulin in the blood immediately rises and falls. Because grains and grains also contain gluten, they can cause disease in many digestive systems. A slow digestive tract slows down digestion and reduces sexual activity.

If you are still not aware of the changes, here are some options to help you get past PE. Many other foods such as carrots, ginger, honey and garlic can definitely be added to your diet to help fight the old war against PE. All this helps blood flow to the muscles of the penis to control ejaculation.

Carrots help with premature ejaculation
How are carrots used to reduce premature ejaculation?
Carrots are rich in antioxidants and carotene, which can increase blood flow to the genitals during intercourse and slow down ejaculation. They also increase male libido (sexuality).

Bananas solve the problem of premature ejaculation
How can bananas help treat premature ejaculation?
Bananas are a reliable food for treating premature ejaculation. Rich in potassium and bromelain, it may increase libido and reduce the chance of PE. Eating bananas a day will give you more stamina. Also, because of high blood sugar, you can stay in bed for a long time.

How to Diet?
In the morning, you can drink a banana milkshake. Eating bananas before intercourse is also one of the best home remedies and can help you stay in bed longer.

Garlic as an antidote for premature ejaculation
What role does garlic play in premature ejaculation?
Here is a list of products for the treatment of premature ejaculation. Garlic contains a lot of allicin, which helps increase libido. Its cloves have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, can promote blood circulation, and provide a good sexual experience, thus reducing the risk of PE.

How to take?
You want to know how to cure PE permanently. Home remedies like fresh garlic can help. Every morning I eat 3-4 cloves of meat fried with such hunger.

Okra, also known as lady’s finger, is an important treatment for PE.

How does okra help treat premature ejaculation?
Okra is the most commonly used daily food to control premature ejaculation. One of the causes of PE is the lack of essential vitamins.

Feeling of premature ejaculation
Premature ejaculation occurs when a man ejaculates too quickly and comes out.

Cause of premature ejaculation
The cause of premature ejaculation is unknown. Previously considered a physiological factor, it is now considered a combination of physiological and biological factors.

  • Physiological causes
  • First sexual contact
  • Negative body image
  • Worry about premature ejaculation
  • Guilt
  • Sexual abuse
  • Biological causes
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Abnormal levels of neurotransmitters.
  • Inflammation of the prostate/urethra.

Certain minerals can help with premature ejaculation. These include:

Zinc supplements can improve sexual dysfunction and increase serum testosterone levels, which usually help improve libido and improve erectile dysfunction, which can lead to premature ejaculation.

So, while taking zinc supplements may promote overall sexual health in several ways, there is no direct research that zinc is involved in preventing or improving premature ejaculation.

Magnesium is an essential nutrient that promotes sperm production and reproductive health. A review in the Asian Journal of Andrology found that low magnesium levels are an important factor in athletics. They can increase certain muscle contractions. Often semen is distributed during orgasm.

Thus, you can fight premature ejaculation by getting enough magnesium in your diet.